Reading Aloud Activity

Posted on Dec 2, 2014 | Resources

Press Here

Suggested Age: Toddlers to Grade 1

Submitted by Lori Bruner Okamura, School Librarian, Hongwanji Mission School

Book: Press Here by Herve Tullet


Story Summary:
Read along and follow the directions to make colors appear, disappear, combine, shift and grow­—as if by magic! Fun, interactive book that comes alive like a digital game.

Story Lessons:
Primary colors; Counting; Size; Patterns; Listening skills; Story participation.


Activity Ideas:

  • Read the story together. Have your child follow the directions on each page, or demonstrate as you read to larger groups. Use your voice to encourage your child to complete each direction and to build suspense about what will happen next.
  • Ask your child to count the circles as they appear on the page and guess what will happen next.
  • Read through the story and teach vocabulary. For example, what does “gently” mean? “Fabulous”?
  • Find circles around you: Flat dots, spheres, and round letters are everywhere.
  • Look for patterns as the circles alternate in color. Talk about patterns around you. Take a walk around your house, neighborhood or school and look for examples of patterns. With help, take photos of patterns and make your own pattern book.
  • Make your own circles in yellow, red and blue and act out the story as you read it through again. Make circles of other colors and change the story. Cut circles out of printed paper or magazine images to make a completely different story.
  • Use your computer or tablet and find online programs or apps with circles or bouncing balls. Make a story using drawings or photos online to make your own book about circles and colors that change as you record the story.